
Assistance for aspiring students and health professionals at all stages in a career.

For Students in K-12 – Visual and learning aids for K-8 students, a listing of academic programs oriented towards health careers at institutions of higher learning across the state, documents and tools to assist with career exploration, and information on preparing for college and securing financial aid.

For Post-Secondary Students – Detailed career exploration assistance, including prospects and Illinois data on more than 50 of the most sought-after health professions, links to more than 200 health-related professional organizations in Illinois and nationally, and some tools to help with the complicated process that transferring schools can be.

For Job Seekers – Tips and advice for building your resume, writing a cover letter, and acing the interview, as well as some of the most commonly used job-search websites and search engines.


(Shown above, a shelf with books on a range of issues relating to healthcare and health organizations.)