Central Illinois AHEC

Our programs and activities work to recruit, support, and maintain a diverse health care workforce.


While much of our focus is on students at ISU and at other colleges in the region, we have facilitated some experiences for K-12 students in the past, and we are available to help interested students make connections to possible healthcare careers.

CLASSROOM PRESENTATIONS are available to provide students with the opportunity to learn more about various health careers through presentations from working health professionals and health professions students. Presentations include discussion of career and educational paths as well as hands-on activities. Contact us about one for your classroom.


Participants in gowns and gloves look through microscopes.JOB SHADOWING experiences are not only for those considering a health career. Many students continue to shadow to learn more about the field and make connections with professionals who might be their colleagues in the future. Some graduate schools (for example, DPT programs) even require a certain number of shadowing hours to be completed before you apply, and others require job shadowing as part of their degree program. We can help arrange shadowing experiences through partnerships with hospitals, local clinics and other health care facilities. Contact us to set one up. [note]

AHEC SCHOLARS is a two-year program for students who are committed to improving health care in rural and underserved communities. It uniquely blends community-based experiential opportunities with online training on key topics such as cultural competency and social determinants of health. Being an AHEC Scholar gives students the opportunity to distinguish themselves and to make meaningful connections that can lead to future employment and career growth. See details and apply.

VIRTUAL JOB SHADOWING is the next best thing when unable to shadow in person. We can provide AHEC Scholars with access to VirtualJobShadow.com, with its interactive tools to help students develop career paths. Learn more.

Student in white coat and purple nitrile gloves doing sequencing.RURAL HEALTH EXPERIENCES (RHE) is a three- to five-day opportunity for students to fully immerse themselves in rural health care at a site in Illinois. Participants shadow professionals of various disciplines in a rural hospital or clinic as well as observe interprofessional team meetings. This collaboration between AHEC and the National Center for Rural Health Professions is open to AHEC Scholars (priority), undergraduate juniors and seniors, and gap year students. Learn more.

SIX-WEEK INTERPROFESSIONAL PRECEPTORSHIP is a full-time, paid rural immersion experience in a rural community. Students shadow a variety of health professionals in hospital and clinic settings, county health departments and other organizations. They discuss core topics in underserved health care and develop and implement a community service learning project focused on a real-life health priority in the community. The program, offered annually through a collaboration with the National Center for Rural Health Professions, is open to AHEC Scholars and students in the third or fourth year of their academic program. Learn more.


The Central Illinois AHEC team at the Farm Progress Show.AHEC is here to help you prepare the students of today to be the health care professionals of tomorrow.

HEALTH FAIRS AND EXPOS are ways for Central Illinois AHEC to participate in your health-themed celebrations, whether it be putting in an appearance at the Farm Progress Show or sending a speaker to promote health and wellness activities. Contact us about how we can work together to promote the health and wellness of your audience.


CONTINUING EDUCATION sessions, in the classroom and online, are designed to support the educational needs of practicing health care professionals in rural and underserved communities. The IL AHEC network provides educational opportunities for current health professionals. Central Illinois AHEC co-sponsors programs such as Mental Health First Aid, QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) for suicide prevention, and other professional development opportunities. Contact us for details.


Rachel Benn
Felmley Hall, Room 229
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61761


See News & Events for all our program announcements, and stay on top of our activities on our Facebook page.

Note: Some health care facilities require students to be at least 16 years or older and may restrict shadowing in sensitive areas.

(Shown at top, AHEC students wearing surgical gowns, caps, masks, and gloves practice operating room procedures.)