Project Brotherhood is a convening Partner of the Accelerating Diversity in STEM and Health Related Careers State-Wide Summit. The Accelerating Diversity in STEM and Health Related Careers state-wide summit will take place on October 19, 2019 in Chicago at the Conference Chicago at the University Center.

The goal of the summit is to foster the talent of the future by exploring ways to begin STEM education earlier and make it more inclusive. The partners collaborated to develop a statewide agenda that will expose, recruit and retain students of color in STEM related fields.
The summit’s opening keynote speaker is Dr. Freeman A. Hrabowski, President of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. The closing keynote speaker is the Honorable Juliana Stratton, Lt. Governor State of Illinois. The summit will be attended by members of the academic community, professionals in STEM careers, health professionals, community leaders and other advocates for diversity in STEM and health care related fields.