Intervention Tools and Strategies for Special Populations

On November 8, 2019, Central Illinois AHEC co-sponsored a continuing professional development opportunity with the Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium (ISPIC).  This full day event was attended by 40 students, pre-doctoral interns and professionals in the fields of Psychology and Social Work and was held at Illinois State University’s Alumni Center.

Illinois State’s Dr. Brea Banks gave the keynote address on The Provisions of Culturally Responsive Clinical Services, where she talked about strategies that practitioners may employ across their training and professional careers to engage in practices that are culturally responsive. The keynote address focused on the importance of self-reflection and examination and encouraged attendees to consider the impact of traditionally implemented therapeutic techniques and best practices on individuals, groups, and families holding marginalized identities.

Following the keynote, ISPIC interns provided resources and strategies in a series of nine talks that targeted the LGBTQIA, Symptom Comorbidity and Youth in Crisis populations.  All participants were able to take home with them materials and strategies for implementation in their own practice or setting.  This is just one of the yearly trainings that ISPIC and the Central Illinois AHEC offer to mental health professionals in Central Illinois.