How Will I Manage to Pay Off My Student Loans? #ThereIsHelp – Apr 20

Join us for this Employment and Loan Repayment Opportunities session to get your questions answered.

  • Thinking about student loans and how you will pay them back?
  • Wondering what options you have for jobs?
  • With so many employment opportunities available to graduating health care professionals, how do I find the job meant for me?
  • What is a HPSA?

These questions and more will be answered during by presenters Judith Sayad, Illinois AHEC Program Office, and Teresa Strum, Northwest AHEC center director.

Even if you are not graduating this year, this is great information to have in order to be prepared when you near graduation. We hope you will join us!

When: Thursday, April 20, 4-5 pm CT
Location: Zoom
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