Participants will hear from professionals and engage in hands-on activities that simulate real-life skills needed in a variety of medical careers.
The daylong Healthcare Career Exploration Summer Academy will be held at each Spoon River College campus. The $10 fee includes lunch.
The academy is a great opportunity for area students to explore health careers.
Time: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
• Monday, June 12 – Havana Center, 324 Randolph St., Havana
• Tuesday, June 13 – Rushville Center, 706 Maple Ave., Rushville
• Wednesday, June 14 – Macomb Campus, 208 S. Johnson St., Macomb
• Thursday, June 15 – Canton Campus, 23235 N. County Highway 22, Canton
Cost: $10
Sign up now

The academy is provided by the University of Illinois Extension, Spoon River College and West Central AHEC.