Apply Now: SAMSHA Training for Minority APN Students

The American Nurses Association, through a grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), has developed the Minority Fellowship Program (MFP) to support the training of future nurse practitioners in behavioral health practice, education and health policy.

SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program call for applications. Apply by March 29, 2024.Fellows should be committed to a career providing behavioral health services or developing policy for ethnic and racial minority populations, with an interest in growing into a leadership role. Upon completion of their studies, fellows are required to complete a minimum of two years of service in mental health and/or substance use.

Through its Virtual University, the fellowship provides mentoring, academic support, additional educational offerings in mental health and substance use disorders among ethnic and racial and indigenous populations, dissertation support, coaching in research design and data analysis, one-on-one counseling regarding quality improvement projects and clinical practice, and networking opportunities.

The MFP provides to two, three, and five year fellowships to registered nurses who are pursuing masters and doctoral degrees, including PhD, DNP, BS-to-PhD, doctoral study (PhD, DNP, and BS-to-PhD). You can apply before you are accepted into a program; however, you must matriculate before the fellowship begins.

All applicants must have an active Registered Nurse License. The fellowship offers an annual stipend for living expenses while enrolled in a graduate program full-time. Current stipends vary from $15,000 (masters) to $22,000 (doctoral).

Application materials include a CV, recommendations and personal essay. To be competitive, applications should demonstrate a commitment to a career in substance abuse or psychiatric/mental health issues affecting minority populations.

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More information is also available from the American Nurses Association’s Office of the MFP; contact

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