Apply by Mar 31 for IPHCA’s “Understanding and Serving America’s Underserved”

The Illinois Primary Health Care Association is again offering its program on the underserved in a virtual, self-paced format.

The program has a new general track designed for any student interested in a career in community health and/or public health. For the past nine years, the IPHCA has offered tracks for medical, dental, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, and behavioral health professional students.

The program is a great way to learn more about why patients are underserved and about the programs designed to provide high quality care to these patients, specifically Federally Qualified Health Centers and Community Health Centers. This event is a great resume builder, and IPHCA has helped many past student attendees connect with their current employers.

Students who complete their modules will be eligible to win a prize.

When: Content will launch Monday, April 3 and remain live until Saturday, May 13, 2023
Location: Online, self-paced
Deadline to apply: March 31, 2023

Learn more and register