Andrew Dewey spoke in Hancock County on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, and impressed all who heard him! West Central Illinois AHEC is proud to have sponsored Mr. Dewey who was in town to share his story of addiction and his journey to recovery over the last eight years with our students and community members.

Andrew Dewey shares his message of hope
Tuesday morning, Mr. Dewey spoke to a crowd of almost 500 students at Hamilton High School. The students represented Nauvoo Middle, LaHarpe Middle, Dallas City Middle, Warsaw High and Hamilton High schools. Mr. Dewey shared stories about growing up as a farm boy in rural Illinois, and then traveled through his life experiences that eventually saw him addicted to opioids and heroin. His message and delivery were absolutely relevant and appropriate for the age groups represented by the students. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Dewey spoke to both Illini West High and Southeastern High schools, as well as Carthage and Southeastern Middle schools, and ROYAL Academy students. Again, his powerful, heartfelt message struck a chord with the students and staff. In the evening, Mr. Dewey spoke to an adult only crowd at The Legacy Theater in Carthage, IL, and delivered a bold, blunt, yet poignant presentation on his life and how the members of Hancock County, with the help of the Hancock County Addiction Coalition, can be a vital part of addressing the issue of substance misuse in the area. West Central Illinois AHEC was able to sponsor Mr. Dewey through a supplemental opioid grant, and the entire Hancock County community are exceptionally grateful.