First Survey of Employers Working with CHWs Finds Funding Need

The COVID-19 pandemic brought community Health Workers (CHWs) to the spotlight, but employers face difficult decisions as the public health emergency ends.

Sinai Urban Health Institute and the Health & Medicine Policy Research Group have released results from the Community Health Worker Common Indicator Employer Survey, a first-ever survey of employers working with CHWs; 61 organizations serving Cook County participated.

While the survey showed strong engagement with CHWs during the pandemic, 64% of organizations serving Cook County reported no sustainable funding sources.

The value of CHWs extends far beyond the pandemic in transforming health care delivery, Health & Medicine notes. “As pandemic funds dry up, we must pursue sustainable funding to keep these programs viable and advance health equity.”

Read the full report.

Health & Medicine is Chicago AHEC’s host organization. The project was carried out with the collaboration of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Illinois Community Health Workers Association (ILCHWA), and Illinois Public Health Association (IPHA).